From last few years we have been observing IPL has hit Bollywood hard. Considering IPL as a threat, filmmakers either postponed/preponed their film or preferred not to release in that interim. Not only small films even the big budgeted or the big starcast or the heavily anticipated films opted to stay away from IPL. However not any more. As the following year i.e. 2012 will see maximum biggies arriving during IPL season. It seems the filmmakers have now overcome the fear of IPL. Following is the list of films which will/shall release in the midst of IPL 2012.
JANNAT 2: It is being said that Emraan is quite keen to have JANNAT sequel, JANNAT 2 release while IPL is on. After all his JANNAT was a big hit when released during IPL (2008). It is believed that Emraan feels IPL is lucky for him and this time too it will fetch him good results. JANNAT 2 would now release right in the middle of IPL i.e. on 27th April.
JANNAT 2: It is being said that Emraan is quite keen to have JANNAT sequel, JANNAT 2 release while IPL is on. After all his JANNAT was a big hit when released during IPL (2008). It is believed that Emraan feels IPL is lucky for him and this time too it will fetch him good results. JANNAT 2 would now release right in the middle of IPL i.e. on 27th April.
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