Anurag Kashyap was recently on the popular talk show Koffee With Karan along with his Bombay Velvet star Anushka Sharma. On being asked what advice he would like to give to Kareena Kapoor, during the rapid-fire round on the show, Kashyap said before signing any project Bebo should ask what the film is all about instead of who is in the film. As to what he intended by saying this is a mystery but we were waiting for Kareena Kapoor’s response to the statement.
We thought she would have been offended and would have come up with an equal retort but what she said surprised all of us. “Anurag is absolutely right and I should pay heed to this, my sister Karisma and husband Saif follow this norm but I am the kind who does a movie driven by impulse. But hereafter I will focus on the story, and I wish this advice had come from a friend than someone who does not know me too well, but am glad I found a friend without having to seek one,” was Bebo’s response to Anurag Kashyap.
So does this mean the two are good friends now?
The post What is Kareena Kapoor’s response to Anurag Kashyap’s message? appeared first on Bollywood Celebden.
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