There have been speculations and reports and rumours that Priyanka Chopra and Kangana Ranaut started having a cold war during the shoot of the superhero movie Krrish 3. It was reported that Kangana Ranaut felt she would be overshadowed by Priyanka Chopra’s role and there was a lot more. Now all this surprised everyone because the two acted together in the hit film Fashion.
Now, the two were spotted hugging and heading off to promote the film together. They seem to be very friendly towards each other and there definitely is no problem between the two; or so it seems. Anyway, they say all is well and that means we, as a media, have to believe it. *wink*
When asked about it, Kangana said “I don’t get bad vibes from Priyanka.” And “Kangna and I have always gotten along. I don’t know how this controversy even started. It’s absurd news that Kangana and I have a problem,” was what Priyanka said.
The post Priyanka Chopra and Kangana Ranaut are buddies! appeared first on Bollywood Celebden.
via Bollywood Celebden
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