Actors Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif, along with the cast and crew, are leaving for Turkey for the shooting of their upcoming movie Ek Tha Tigertomorrow. Director Kabir Khan has confirmed the news on his Twitter page. Currently, the Bollywood duo has been busy filming at Trinity College, Dublin in Ireland for the past one month.
Sources claim that Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif will shoot for the movie Ek Tha Tiger in Turkey for a month. On his Twitter account, Kabir Khan wrote, "Its been a long 40 day schedule in Ireland... tomorrow is our last day in Dublin and then off to Turkey for a month... will keep u posted...."
However, Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif began filming for Ek Tha Tiger on August 10, 2011. They are said to be shooting the film in five different countries including Turkey and Ireland. The romantic thriller is scheduled to release during Eid in 2012.
Sources claim that Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif will shoot for the movie Ek Tha Tiger in Turkey for a month. On his Twitter account, Kabir Khan wrote, "Its been a long 40 day schedule in Ireland... tomorrow is our last day in Dublin and then off to Turkey for a month... will keep u posted...."
However, Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif began filming for Ek Tha Tiger on August 10, 2011. They are said to be shooting the film in five different countries including Turkey and Ireland. The romantic thriller is scheduled to release during Eid in 2012.
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